Visiting dancer from Taiwan, DJ Juan will be playing for Tango Synergy this Wednesday at Synergy Wednesday milonga at St Johns in Darlinghurst.
A first time DJ for Synergy, DJ Juan will be playing a traditional tango set next week.

Synergy Wednesday Milonga
Each week a different DJ from our tango community volunteers as our tango music selector, for our listening and dancing delight. Join us for a fun and friendly Argentine Tango!
Our regular Wednesday night venue is St Johns Church Hall in Darlinghurst, Sydney.
Open to Synergy members and the public – for the appreciation and study of Argentine tango music and the related dance styles.
Every Wednesday from 7:45 to 10:30 pm.
Location: St. John’s Anglican Church, 120 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst.
Travelling by Public Transport
The closest train station is Kings Cross Station. Buses from Central 311 (15 mins), 333, 440. See Google Maps for other bus and train options.
Admission: $15 ($10 for Tango Synergy members).
Visit our facebook page for more details and occasional workshops.
PARKING: Street parking only – please DO NOT park on the church grounds.