Tango in Australia

Tango in Major Australian Cities

Sydney Tango sydneytango.com.au
Sydney’s tango calendar and online forums about tango in Sydney.
You can access the calendar to view all Sydney events.

Tango Social Club of Canberra tangocanberra.asn.au
Have a look at our sister organisation in Canberra. Also a not for profit group organising events for Canberra tangueros.

Melbourne Practica Group (MPG) melbournepractica.org
This page links to all of Melbourne’s very active tango scene.

Tango in Hobart tangocafetasmania.blogspot.com.au
The Tango Café in Hobart Tasmania. A small but enthusiastic group of dancers who meet on most Sundays from 4.00pm at the Republic Bar & Café, North Hobart.

Tango Nut (Greater Brisbane Area) tangonut.com
Brisbane’s independently run website. The calendar covers the greater Brisbane area, including Gold Coast, Byron Bay.

Cairns, Far North Queensland cairnstango.com
You can dance in these warmer climes.

Perth Tango Club www.perthtangoclub.com
An independent association of Tango dancers in Perth, W.A.

Tango Adelaide www.tangoadelaide.org
An independent  tango club which is not aligned with any tango school in Adelaide.


Australian Tango Websites

Tango Australia tangoaustralia.com.au
This page has links to milongas all over Australia and frequent has updates.